dinsdag 18 december 2012

December, 5

Today was a big day. At least for me. In my very young years, as a freshman in the field, I got the opportunity  to meet with Dr. Gene Sharp in a very small, informal group of gifted people.

Reading about Gene and his work, I recall my studying time in Leuven, Belgium and the numerous discussions I had there with our group of friends. We were all idealists when starting to study political science. Some became more realistic along the way. Some kept their faith. One among them, was talking about 'the power of the people' and non-violent struggle. "People CAN bring change". Although, we have to await the evolution in Egypt, it shows that this type of struggle can work.

Dr. Gene Sharp, sometimes referred to as 'the Machiavelli of nonviolent struggle' writes about nonviolent struggle as a tool for social change and does so in a very pragmatical way. His thoughts have inspired many people during their struggle for freedom and democracy. Not the least the people struggling lately in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria,... And so did he inspire the sixteen people around that round table. Gene explained us how he developed the idea of "how to get rid of war" in his younger years. Our history is characterized by a tradition of struggle by violence and since our history is like this, we perceive violent struggle as the way it should go. But does it have to be like that? Are there no other ways?

Therefore, we need to study the tactics of nonviolence is the situations where it works, to make it work elsewhere. We could apply it as a principle, as a religion, where from no deviation is possible. Change is not achieved spontaneously from one day to another. It needs organization, preparation and a strategy. "How can we win? How can people be prepared for the struggle? What are the weak spots of your opponent? Take him there!". And this is perhaps the task for this small group of people in Sweden or in Europe. To spread the knowledge available and improve the access to these tools. To study weaknesses of dictatorships and totalitarian systems. We should not take control of other's revolution or change. We should maintain a level of distance and give ownership a chance.

Since 9/11, international relations are dominated by a fear of terrorism and an increase in military capacities is encouraged to conquer this threat. Weak or failed states are seen as dangerous and hotbeds for terrorists.If the extensive communication of today had not existed, who knows we might have ended up in a Cold War all over again.

For Sweden and Europe, the situation today is different. The challenges are different. Though, an expansion of Sweden's military potential is not going to make it safer from a threat from Russia. The military is not going to give it the right solutions.

Gene might have reached the honorable age of 84 and might be physically not as vivid anymore as he used to be. Thus the stronger is activist speech. And although his theory is very useful for certain struggles, it is not applicable in all contexts. Some struggles require a certain "ripeness" and others are more complex and a diverse range of people/groups are involved. Some conflicts are more complex. But the predicted breakthrough of Gene’s ideas has taken place. That is a Right Livelihood Award worth.

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